Information and insights directly from the company
In this section you will find our press releases as well as selected articles from print and online media that provide a comprehensive insight into our company activities and innovations in the maritime industry. Journalists, partners and other interested parties can download important information here and find out about the latest developments and projects at Becker Marine Systems. We invite you to find out more about our company and access the resources provided directly.

Market launch of new product segments Daggerboard and Steering Gear announced at SMM 2024 by Becker Marine Systems
The Hamburg-based company, Becker Marine Systems, a leading provider of manoeuvring sys-tems and energy-saving devices for the maritime industry, has recently introduced two new product segments aimed at optimising vessels‘ hydrodynamic performance. The new products, the Becker Daggerboard and the Becker Steering Gear have broadened the company‘s product portfolio, further enhancing its reputation for innovation and efficiency in the maritime market.
Buques y Equipos de la Marina Civil
The Spanish magazine "Buques y Equipos de la Marina Civil" reports on the occasion of the Navalia exhibition in Vigo, Spain about the impressive range of propulsion and manoeuvring systems as well as energy solutions from Becker Marine Systems, which enable shipping companies to reduce their CO2 emissions, optimize operational efficiency, and save costs.
- Article in Spanish

VSM Schiffbauindustrie 01.2024
In the "VSM Schiffbauindustrie" publication, it is explained how Becker Marine Systems, with its energy-saving solutions Becker Mewis Duct® and Becker Twisted Fin®, is helping ship owners ease their compliance with the IMO's EEXI and CII requirements.
- Article in German

Becker Marine Systems presents Manufacturer Quality Award
At the prestigious Marintec fair in Shanghai, Becker Marine Systems will present the Manufacturer Quality Award for the first time. This accolade is a recognition of outstanding quality performance, acknowledging the commitment and professionalism of NanTong Ocean Ship Equipment Co., Ltd. (Cosco YP).
Dirk Lehmann hands over the helm
After more than 20 years, Dirk Lehmann is stepping down from the executive management of the Hamburg-based shipbuilding supplier Becker Marine Systems and will hand over the complete management of the company to his long-standing partner Henning Kuhlmann from January 1, 2023.
HANSA International Maritime Journal, Online Edition
"HANSA" reports on the awarding of the German Environmental Prize 2022 to naval engineers Friedrich Mewis and Dirk Lehmann for their invention of the Becker Mewis Duct, which has saved approximately 12 million tons of CO2 in global shipping since its launch in 2008. The award ceremony took place on October 30, 2022, in Magdeburg, presided over by President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
- Article in German

Enhanced energy-efficient solutions due to product development
Hamburg-based Becker Marine Systems is presenting new product developments, its cooperation with strategic partner Nakashima Propeller and the combined product portfolio of energy-saving solutions at SMM 2022, the leading international trade fair for the maritime industry.
Nakashima Propeller and Becker Marine Systems strengthen their joint position in the global maritime market
Becker Marine Systems and Nakashima Propeller intensify their long-standing collaboration, further expanding their strategic partnership. Nakashima Propeller acquires stakes in Becker Marine Systems. The existing shareholders remain on board with their existing shares. This strengthened collaboration establishes a leading system provider for shipyards and shipowners worldwide.
COBRA Battery System from Becker Marine Systems Receives DNV GL Certification
With DNV GL certification obtained in February 2021, the pioneering COBRA battery system has achieved the highest standard of safety and can thus be used for a wide range of inland waterway and maritime shipping applications. Due to the growing demand for the compact battery system, Becker Marine Systems is expanding COBRA production at its Winsen (Luhe) location.
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
"The Maritime Executive" berichtet über den Auftrag an Becker Marine Systems aus Hamburg zur Lieferung ihrer Becker Flap Rudder und des Becker Intelligent Monitoring Systems (BIMS) für die ersten beiden National Security Multi-Mission Vessels (NSMVs). Diese Schiffe werden Teil der US National Defense Reserve Fleet und dienen als Ausbildungsschiffe für bis zu 600 Kadetten der US Merchant Marine Academies. Gebaut werden sie in der Philly Shipyard in den USA.
- Article in English
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