Always there, wherever you are
Our head office is located in Hamburg, the heart of Becker Marine Systems. We also have a strong international presence with additional offices in China, Korea, Norway, Singapore and the USA. Wherever you need us, you can rely on fast and competent support from our global network.

China, Nanjing
Becker Marine Systems China Ltd.
Mr. Jörg Haase, Managing Director
Green Land D2-1 Building, Room 826 Yupan West Street 8#; Nanjing 210000
P. R. China
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Phone: +86-21-53 01 99 11
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In conjunction with the founding of Becker Marine Systems China Ltd., a cooperation contract for rudder production was signed with Luzhou Machine Works (LMW) in Nanjing. LMW is one of the major marine component suppliers owned by the CSSC (China State Shipbuilding Corporation) and an experienced cooperation partner for numerous European and American companies for many years and is well established in the Chinese shipbuilding industry. BMS has moved some of its rudder system production to LMW in response to the expanding market. At the same time Becker opened its own site office at the factory and assigned one of its German design specialists to China. Though production will be carried out by LMW, design, project management and quality management are completely under Becker`s control.

China, Shanghai
Becker Marine Systems China Ltd.
Mr. Jörg Haase, Managing Director
Room 2704-07A, Jiangnan Shipyard Building No. 600 Luban Road, Huangpu District 200023 Shanghai, P. R. China
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Phone: +86-21-53 01 99 11
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China is universally recognized as the world’s fastest growing shipbuilding market. Becker Marine Systems’ continued success in China is represented by the founding of Becker Marine Systems Ltd. with its head office in Shanghai. The centrally located office is situated in the Jiangnan Shipyard Building, and establishes even closer relationships with our customers in the Asian market.

China, Zhenjiang
Becker Marine Systems JiangSu Co. Ltd.
Mr. Jörg Haase, Managing Director
No. 709 ChangJiang Road
Industry Park Runzhou District
Zhenjiang 212005, P.R. China
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Phone: +86-511-80862626
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Becker Marine Systems manufactures its own energy-saving devices, such as the Becker Mewis Ducts®, directly in Zhenjiang. This investment underscores our strong position in the energy-saving systems market. A dedicated team, of experienced employees manages and oversees every aspect of the production process, from initial planning to the delivery of each project.

Becker Marine Systems GmbH, Head Office
Blohmstr. 23, 21079 Hamburg
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Phone: +49-40-24199-0
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The Hamburg headquarters of Becker Marine Systems is located in the emerging district of Channel Harburg in the south of Hamburg. This site brings together the company’s core functions under one roof, including Engineering, Research & Development (R&D), Finance & Controlling, Human Resources, QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment), Service & Conversion, Materials Management as well as Sales & Marketing. Here, our expert teams work closely together to develop pioneering solutions for the maritime industry, ensuring the global success of Becker Marine Systems.

Becker Marine Systems Korea Ltd.
Mr. Kab-ho Kim
KNN Tower #909, Centum seo-ro 30, Haeundae-gu, Busan 48058
Republic of Korea
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Phone: +82 51 664 6760
Mobile: +82 10 6260 5513
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Following the strong demand in Becker Marine Systems core markets of Korea and China, it has become necessary to have more local presence. We have opened our own Becker office in Busan, Korea. Based in Haeundae, the Becker Marine Systems team is available for customers with the complete range of sales, technical expertise and after sales services.

Becker Marine Systems Norway AS
Mr. Jan Peter Folsland
Visiting address: Askheim 1C, 2022 Gjerdrum, Norway
Post address: P.O. Box 4, 2024 Gjerdrum, Norway
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Mobile: +47 91 357418
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Scandinavia, and especially Norway, is universally recognised as one of the world's fastest growing shipbuilding markets. Due to its strong relationships with Norwegian shipowners, Becker strengthened its efforts in Norway with the opening of Becker Marine Systems Norway AS in Gjerdrum, just outside Oslo. This office improves communication with local ship designers, shipowners and shipyards alike.
Our Norwegian office was established by Jan Peter Folsland. Mr. Folsland is an acknowledged Norwegian maritime expert and will focus on initiating and developing new business opportunities in the Norwegian market as well as maintaining Becker's excellent relationships with current Norwegian and Scandinavian clients.

Becker Marine Systems Asia Pte. Ltd.
Mr. Hwee Main Tan
6 Temasek Boulevard, #29-03 Suntec Tower 4, Singapore 038986
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Phone: +65 9233 3379
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In response to the growing shipbuilding market in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim, Becker opened the new regional headquarter for Asia in Singapore. Becker Asia has established departments in the areas of project engineering, after-sales service and sales to continously improve the coordination and cooperation of offices in China as well as business contacts within Asia.

Rödl Langford de Kock LLP
Attn: Becker Marine Systems USA Inc.
Mr. Brian Rhoades
1900 West Loop South, Suite 1550, Houston, TX 77027
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Phone: +1 281 332 4555
Mobile: +1 814 424 1495
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Becker Marine Systems recently opened their representation in the USA. The office, located in Houston (Texas), is providing local service to the marine industry and representing Becker Marine Systems' extensive range of manoeuvring and energy-saving systems and alternative energy concepts in North America.